It is with great sadness that I have to inform you I have been forced to pull out of the London Marathon due to an Achilles injury and a hip problem.

I have been aware of these issues for some time and have been attending regular sessions with a sports physiotherapist and undertaking specific fitness training in a bid to overcome them in time for the marathon. However, my physio does not believe I will be physically able to do the required high-mileage training in time or to complete the race on the 17th April. Due to the risk of causing a serious long-term injury I have had no choice but to pull out.

Naturally, I am hugely disappointed that I won’t be able to run, but I am planning to do a parachute jump to make up for it in some way. I would like to thank all the generous people and businesses who have said they will continue to sponsor me for the jump so Hope House will still benefit.

Meanwhile, the Virgin Balloon Flights team and I are still busy fundraising and we are fast approaching the £5k mark. We’ll be doing everything we can to raise as much money as possible over the next few weeks.

I would like to wish everyone who is running the marathon the best of luck and sorry I can’t do it with you this time round.

Best wishes
