Kent boasts some spectacular aerial views. No wonder it’s so popular with our flyers. Flights from Laddingford and Wadhurst offer our passengers a unique perspective of the county’s infamous gardens and horticulture.

Mote Park is just one of the spectacles you might spot from your balloon basket. At an expansive 450 acres, the size and beauty of Mote Park can really be appreciated from the air.

With scenic landscapes a-plenty, Kent is also home to a few notable landmarks. If you take a balloon ride from Wadhurst, not far from the historic town of Tunbridge Wells, you’ll probably spot the iconic motte and bailey castle in the village of Tonbridge.

Kent pilot Damon Bridger has been flying over the county for nearly ten years now. He started ballooning as a hobby, but then left his city job to take up the sport permanently. Since then he’s flown in Switzerland, North Africa, USA and Europe, but he still has a soft spot for his home county of Kent.

If you’ve got a few minutes to spare, take a look at the video below. It’s a lovely homage to balloon flights in Kent.

Drifted off yet? We’ll have to wait a few more months to see weather like that again. But for now, we’re nearly at the end of the flying season for this year. In the meantime, I’m sure this video will be replayed a few times at Virgin Balloon Flights HQ just to remind us what a wonderful season we had.

If we’ve managed to tickle your taste buds, call 01952 212750 or visit to book your balloon flights in Kent today.