Memories With My Father - By Hannah at VBF

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This a recollection of our Marketing Admin Assistant's memories with her father.

“Dads are the most ordinary men turned into heroes, adventurers, storytellers and protectors”- Animoto Blog

When you think of experiences, what is the first thing that comes to your head?...


In today’s society, there is an idea that spending lots of money is the measure of being most memorable. To quote Madonna, “We are living in a material world.”

However, the simplest of things can mean more than spending £ 1000 on something that will break the bank or something they don’t even use. I have never cared about how much my dad or anyone has spent on me.

As much as I do sometimes rely on the bank of Mom and Dad!

My Dad used to work a fair amount growing up, but when he did have free time, I would always be his right-hand woman to join in with any activity he was doing, rain or shine. I have always cherished the memories with my Dad and will always reminisce about the adventures - hours of walking or even exploring castles.

It's hard narrowing down the best moments with my father, but here are a few:

For my 18th birthday, I went on a family holiday to Greece. My dad and I explored the whole gorgeous island of Lesbos. I wanted to experience the culture and venture around different towns. So, in turn, we went hiking in the fantastic heat, soaking in all the landscapes.

It was getting later in the evening, and we decided to stop by a bar on the way home. We drank multiple multi-coloured cocktails till we could not walk straight. Luckily, we were only half a mile from our house.

As we were stumbling and laughing so hard, my dad fell completely into the road; he rolled around in hysterics, I had never seen a 20-stone man dive so hard onto to cobbled street. I will never forget that day, I have never had such a funny experience with my dad in my life.

When I was a little girl, my Mom would always work constantly and would often spend weekends going over her mark papers, hunched over a table for hours.

My Dad saw how lonely I was, and on my next PD Day, he took me to Stokesay Castle, and I fell in love.

I learned lots of history (now a passion of mine), walked/ explored for miles but mainly had a loving bonding experience with my Dad. It became our traditional time. I was 7 when we first went, I am now 21 and crave the memorable bonding time with my Dad all the time. I now look back and treasure every minute of getting to know the man I will always love today.

Lockdown has been tough on all of us. So much uncertainty and fear of life never going back to normal.

Let’s treat him to a memorable experience this year instead of another pair of socks.

Join us to #shareyourdadventure on our Facebook with photos of you and your dad.

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