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Perfect School Leaver's Bucket List - Part Two

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As teenagers across the UK collect their GSCE results, here's part two of our 17-year-old guest blogger Katie's perfect school-leavers bucket list.

Go To A Fashion Show

Fashion is something I have always loved. I have always loved dressing up whether it’s for a meal out, a party, a casual day or even a dance show.

I love putting outfits together and seeing the finished result.

To go to a fashion and see all the new, alluring designs with all the bright colours and different materials would be a dream.

Go On An African Safari

If I ever went to Africa I would have to go on a safari ride.

To be able to see all those striking animals up close and in their natural habitat really would be an incredible experience I would never forget.

Without question, things belong on my perfect school-leaver's bucket list.

Go To A Drive In-Movie

I love movies, whether it’s a comedy, romance, action, or thriller and I have always wanted to experience a drive-in movie.

Sitting in the boot of a car with my friends and all our favourite foods and watching great films on a big projected screen in the middle of a park or field.

I think it is a fun and simple bucket list idea perfect for a summer night.

Bungee Jump

As an adventure seeker, I love a good adrenaline rush, and this is the perfect way to get it.

Jumping off a platform or building 83m+ in the air with only a harness and elastic rope attached to you - it’s the perfect thrill-seeking adventure.

Live Abroad For A Year

I have always been an independent girl and liked to do most things by myself even from a young age.

I think living abroad would be a remarkable and eye-opening experience.

Finding out about how other countries live and work is something I have a real desire to do.

Dance In The Rain

The fantasy of dancing in the rain has always appealed to me.

I love to dance and it just reminds me of many films and music videos that I wish I was dancing in.

This belongs on my bucket list of things I want to do.

Roll Down A Big Hill

This is something I think the majority of people did as a child.

I know I rolled down lots of little hills throughout my childhood, however, none of the hills I rolled down were any bigger than two to three metres and although it was fun, it was over before I gathered enough speed.

Therefore I would love to let out my inner child and roll down some more big hills.

Hot Air Balloon Ride Abroad

I know I already mentioned ballooning in Part One of my school leaver's bucket list.

But when I heard the team here at Virgin Balloon Flights also operates another company out in Italy, I had to add a hot air balloon ride in another country to the list too.

The Ballooning In Tuscany team once even featured on Made In Chelsea!

Flying over the gorgeous landscapes of Tuscany in a hot air balloon would be a bonus thing to tick off the list.

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